Sound Design
Here are some examples of my sound design work for Monstrum II.
An experiement with MaxMSP and Jitter to make a generative visualiser. All of the audio is created using recordings of me hitting, scraping, and bowing an oil barrel that I found and running it through a chain of guitar pedals. Some of the sounds are raw sounds, while others are from custom instruments I developed in Omnisphere using those samples.
Here is an early example of a generative visualiser that I made using MaxMSP and Jitter. All of the audio is created using recordings of me hitting, scraping, and bowing a metal mixing bowl from the kitchen and then manipulating those recordings.
This is the binaural recording I produced as part of the Voyager project. Recorded with the Zylia ZM1 microphone. Listen with headphones.
Here are some examples of various sound designs I have produced
Inspired by the brilliant sound designer and foley editor Larry Hopkins, I set about making my own footstep instrument in Kontact5. There are different shoe and surface types, randomised volumes, and some clothing sounds mixed in.